DEFININGCONSTANT: elementary charge
- PID: si:definingconstant:elementary_charge:2019
- Definition: The elementary charge, e, is exactly 1.602 176 634 × 10-19 C.
- Source: SI Brochure 9th Ed. 2019, p 127
- Formatted:
1.602 176 634 x 10-19 C
- Numerical Value: 1.602176634E-19
- Unit: C
- Unit in Base SI: A s
- Notes
- This value was fixed by the CGPM in 2018 (Resolution 1), with effect from 20 May 2019.
- The elementary charge corresponds to a coupling strength of the electromagnetic force via the fine-structure constant α = e2 (2c ε0 h), where ε0 is the vacuum electric permittivity or electric constant.
- Related Definitions
- hasConstantSymbol -> e